Search for a Prescription and Pharmacy

Medications can play an important role in maintaining your health.  Check out what's covered, ways to lower costs, how to fill prescriptions and more.

Please see your enrollment materials and other plan documents from your employer to learn what is included with your specific plan.

See if your medications are covered

Using the Prescription Drug List (PDL) is the easiest way to find out which prescription drugs are covered in a plan. PDL changes happen frequently, so be sure to check it often to ensure you have the most updated information.

Tier 1

Lowest Cost

Mostly generic and some name-brand medications

Tier 2

Mid-range Cost

A mix of brand-name and generic medications

Tier 3

Higher Cost

A mix of brand-name and generic medications

Tier 4

Highest Cost

Mostly brand-name drugs, as well as some generic medications

The Prescription Drug List (PDL) takes medications and places them into tiers, arranging them from lowest to highest cost.

Please see your enrollment materials to find out which PDL is offered with your plan.

Search the Prescription Drug List (PDL) link(s) below. 

Traditional 3-Tier

Traditional 4-Tier

Advantage 3-Tier

Advantage 4-Tier

Access 3-Tier

Access 4-Tier

Essential All States

Flex Base 3 Tier

Flex Base 4 Tier

  • Here are a few PDL tips:

Find a pharmacy

You’ll save time and money on a wide variety of medications from UnitedHealthcare.

Find a Pharmacy

Choose from thousands of network retail pharmacies.